Love and Miracles in L. A.

“I’m almost divorced - the rain in my heart. I do a lot of background, TV, movies, today a camera commercial, and my friends (the usual suspects) are all there. So what comes walking out of the L.A. Coliseum tunnel, but a blue eyed, brown haired woman with skin the color of honey and a smile that would melt glaciers.

Of course, I introduced myself! “I’m Mescalero Apache,” she says, “my grandfather was Yakee,” I replied. All during the day, rain on and off, we share glances, smiles, and conversation. She tells me of her childhood, points to her forehead, “I was playing - jumped off the couch and cut my head - blood all over the place.” I took her fingers in my hand and ran them across my forehead. “You were playing Mighty Mouse,” I said. “You did the same thing,” she exclaimed, keeping her fingers on my scar, as if she was reading my mind.

Light rain turned to downpour as my fellow actors ran to the tunnels of the Coliseum, only me and this miracle of a girl are left in the end zone. She stands on tip-toes and kisses me on the lips; the rain disappears in the sky, in my heart. Love and Miracles in L.A. ”

— Written by Frank Flores
April 2, 2005

Inspired by a Beautiful Girl from Texas